Chvalínská 2109
zip: 413 01
Roudnice n/L


JOJO Rage JOJO RAGE is a powerful kite designed for experienced kite-surfers, who mastered the surfing on water surface and desire to make another step towards the sky. The design of this model is based on the racing version of the JOJO – RM type. Inlet holes are provided with „valves“ made of a special material, which are designed to inflate the wing and then prevent its blowing out after the landing on the water surface. Unlike the JOJO WET model, which is designed for beginners, the JOJO RAGE wing is not provided with a float since an experienced user mastering the kite control does not need such protection against its unwanted landing on the water surface. This model is provided with the three-lines control system. However, if you want to raise sensitivity, use the special system of lines binding, so called power-steering. Its single design details, used technology and special materials for the „water“ versions of power kites work for the specific demands of kite-surfing, follow the experience from previous practice and develop the many years‘ experience taken from the designing of power kites. Unlike the existing varied design systems of kite-surfing power wings the ram-air kites of efficient profile provide higher potential of power in combination with substantially higher angle of rising with the wind. The kite performance, its sensitivity and overall reduced weight of a canopy enable also the movement at lower wind speed and experienced users are free to use these advantages for jumping and free-style.
